Home Improvements

August 5, 2008 at 9:09 am (Home Improvement, House, Shopping) (, , , , )

Since Marc and I are thinking of selling our house and moving to Broward we have started doing some minor home improvemetns that we think will improve the look of the house without costing an arm and a leg.  These are also things that if we decide notto move for now, will just make the house look nicer for us!

This weekend we added hardware to our kitchen cabinets.  They never had them.  The cabinets were the kind that could be opened without a handle but there were many times that my hand slipped and I chipped a nail.   So they were needed. We installed them ourselves – I did the measuring and marking and Marc did the drilling.  I think they came out great! I am really happy with how they look.  Also in the kitchen, we bought a garbage can that  goes in the cabinets and slides out so that’s one less thing that needs to be out making it look cluttered.

We also changes the knobs in our bathroom and the guest bathroom.  I don’t have pictures of those but we replaced the plastic ones that were the same color as the cabinets with nice chrome ones that have some detail on them.  Not a huge change but a nice one.  Along the bathroom front, we very badly needed to organize the area under the sink and the catch-all drawer in our bathroom.  I went through and got rid of junk a couple weeks ago but we still needed something for organizational purposes.  We went to The Container Store (one of my favorite places) and got these really neat Rubbermaid storage bins that you screw to the bottom of the cabinet and they slide in and out and they’re stackable.  So, now I can slide it out and grab all my stuff instead of having to bend down and reach all the way to the back.  Very innovative!

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