Happy 5 months!

July 21, 2008 at 10:09 am (Baby, Family) (, )

Alexis is 5 months old today! Time really does fly.  I know its cliche, but its true!! I really cannot believe that its been 5 months that I was heading to the hospital for my induction!! So much has happened and I have this wonderful little person in my life now!!!

So far, she babbles, reaches for things, can pass objects from one hand to the other, holds herself up on her hands, sits unassisted (briefly), and giggles.  She however refuses to roll over!! She rolled once from belly to back, but never again.  She gets all the way on her side from her back so she’s close to doing that, but oh well.   She just does not want to do it.   It’s so exciting to see all the changes and milestones.  I can’t wait to see what the next months hold for us!!!

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