Time to go shopping!!!

October 7, 2008 at 10:50 am (Baby, Shopping, Weight Loss) (, , )

I have a ton of unused gift cards from last Christmas.  Of course I was pregnant then so I wasn’t going to go buy clothes for my non-pregnant self.  Then I refused to buy clothes until I reached my goal weight.  I had to buy a few things that fit me so that I could get dressed every day, but not a lot.  So now, seven and a half months after Alexis was born I am at my goal weight!! I weigh what I did when I got married and that’s 10 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight.  So now I can go spend all that money I have and get some cute things for my trip to Hawaii!!!

Now the trick is to not let myself slowly creep back up!!!!!

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New wardrobe..again!

July 29, 2008 at 5:45 pm (Baby, fashion, Parenting, Shopping, Uncategorized) (, , )

I took on the monumental task of washing and putting out all of Alexis’s 6-9 month size clothes and put away or give away the 3-6 month clothes.  She had outgrown the 3-6 month sizes a couple weeks ago but I hadn’t gotten around to switching yet because of all the washing involved.  Yes, I still pre-wash all of her clothes.  I get creeped out b/c she puts everything in her mouth including outfits so I want  to make sure that I wash away germs and anything else from whoever had handled the clothes in the stores.

I digress.  My point is that Alexis now has a completely new wardrobe!  Again! This will be her 4th set and she’s only 5 months old!! First she had all the newborn clothes, then 0-3, 3-6!  I wish I could get all new clothes every few months!!  Of course it’s fun for me to play dress-up with her and see all the adorable new outfits I get to put on her.  She has an abundance of clothes and as I was putting away her old ones, I was looking at outfits she only wore once!!

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