New wardrobe..again!

July 29, 2008 at 5:45 pm (Baby, fashion, Parenting, Shopping, Uncategorized) (, , )

I took on the monumental task of washing and putting out all of Alexis’s 6-9 month size clothes and put away or give away the 3-6 month clothes.  She had outgrown the 3-6 month sizes a couple weeks ago but I hadn’t gotten around to switching yet because of all the washing involved.  Yes, I still pre-wash all of her clothes.  I get creeped out b/c she puts everything in her mouth including outfits so I want  to make sure that I wash away germs and anything else from whoever had handled the clothes in the stores.

I digress.  My point is that Alexis now has a completely new wardrobe!  Again! This will be her 4th set and she’s only 5 months old!! First she had all the newborn clothes, then 0-3, 3-6!  I wish I could get all new clothes every few months!!  Of course it’s fun for me to play dress-up with her and see all the adorable new outfits I get to put on her.  She has an abundance of clothes and as I was putting away her old ones, I was looking at outfits she only wore once!!


  1. Melanie said,

    Hi!! Just found your blog 😉 I was thinking the same thing everytime I wash and put away Zoe’s new set of clothes for the month or 2. We’re just getting to the end of the 3-6 month stuff, which seems nuts considering she’ll only be 4 months on Friday. Who do they make these sizings for anyway!? Skinny babies I guess!

  2. mellymelb said,

    Such a BIG girl!!! They grow way too fast. I just did the same for Sophie but *gasp* she is now in 12 months clothes. HOLY CRAP!

  3. kimmiebr80 said,

    it’s crazy, huh!?!?! I can’t tell you how much I’ve given away to friends, donated to charity and sold on ebay!!! There were so many things that the girls never even wore! Kids grow so quickly- And I hear you on the new wardrobe jealousy- so totally not fair.

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